

“德勋铝材”成立于2005年,已在行业沉淀10年之久。总部坐落在美丽富饶的铝材大镇--佛山大沥镇,旗下拥有“德勋纱窗”,“伊琪雅门窗”两大品牌,是一家集铝合金防蚊防盗纱窗系统、别墅整体门窗系统研发、设计、生产、销售于一体的综合性企业。 公司成立十年来,始终秉承产品,质量,服务的经营理念,配套引进国外先进加工生产设备,申请注册国家专利壹佰多项,先后荣获“中国门窗行业十大品牌”,“中国纱窗行业优质品牌”,“工程推荐品牌”等,行业殊多荣誉。 佛山市南海德勋铝材有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。"Dexun aluminum" was established in 2005, the precipitation has been in the industry for 10 years. Headquarters is located in foshan, the first town of aluminum material in beautiful and fertile, Dali town, which owns screen window "great", "yi qi ya door" two big brands, is a collection of aluminum alloy anti-mosquito anti-theft window screen system, villa overall doors and Windows system research and development, design, production, sales in a body comprehensive pany was founded ten years, has always been adhering to the product first, quality first, service first business philosophy, supporting the introduction of foreign advanced production equipment, apply for registration one mean of a number of national patents, has won the "China's door industry top ten brand", "China's screen industry quality brand", "project recommended brand" and so on, the industry more honor.


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